Template Tutorial


An http and a php server are the only two dependencies. You can download the Template (no archive provided yet) and use it from your own server, or simply copy-paste the code snippets into each of your pages and download the styles, or you can include it from this domain. You might want to use a locally stored version either if you want to customzie some things in it, or if our server is not fast enough to withstand the requests. In this case you need to manually update the Tempalte.

You might have to set allow-url-include to true in your php-ini settings.

Basic Setup

Creating a website requires the following document structure:

  • Include
    • start.html
    • header.html
    • menu.html
    • sidebar.html
    • footer.html
  • index.php
  • one.php
  • two.php


This html will be included in the header section of the composed pages.

You should add browser window title and used styles and scripts here.

Window Title

<link rel="stylesheet" HREF="http://template.rudanium.org/Layout/triple-wide.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" HREF="http://template.rudanium.org/Theme/blue-dark.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" HREF="http://template.rudanium.org/Theme/shadow-triple-wide.css">


This html will be included in the head section if the composed pages.

Main Title Bar


This html will be included in the nav section if the composed pages.

<a HREF="index.php">

<a HREF="one.php">

<a HREF="two.php">


This html will be included in the aside section if the composed pages.

Usually it contains links for quick access or advertisement material.


This is a sidebar example text.


This html will be included in the footer section if the composed pages.

Usually contains contact info, social buttons, support link and similar.


This is a footer example text.


Whit this structure you only have to write two php includes and the content in the pages.

<?php include "http://template.rudanium.org/Include/start.html"; ?>

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit.
Aenean eget erat tellus. Ut at mauris lorem. Integer sed
quam libero. Sed consectetur accumsan sit dignissim.

<?php include "http://template.rudanium.org/Include/end.html"; ?>